How to Repeat

Set repeat range

First, load a audio file to the top window.

You can set repeat range by clicking Repeat Range button or pressing C of keyboard.
Repeat range can be set even when the main audio is paused.
Click Repeat Range button or press C where you want to start repeat.

Repeat Range button indicates that the start point has been marked.
  ..repeat range start set..  

Click Repeat Range button or press C again where you want to set repeat end.
Repeat Range button indicates that the repeat range has been set.

..repeat range end set.. 

Waveform of the repeat range is displayed in the sub window, and automatically begin to play.

Of course you may pause playing with Space key.

The range is repeated until released by clicking Repeat Range button or pressing C.
By pressing Left or Right arrow key, you can release Range repeat.

When released, the main audio is being played again.

Enjoy Listen & Speak!
